Monday, April 23, 2012

HTC Radar Windows 7.5 Mango. Or Windows 7.5 Mango rides in the middle....

I recently picked up a new phone, running Windows Phone Mango 7.5.
Android is my phone operating of choice and Android is my favorite.
I've used the Android OS on the Android G1 and the Samsung Vibrant (2.3 OS) is my current phone.
That being said, I am famililar with IOS devices and the iPhone is a great phone with a stable experience.
But,what if you need a new smart phone?
Or- are new to the smart phone world?
Which do you choose?
It's hard to choose between Android and the iPhone.
Android and iPhone users are very opinionated.
So of course the information may be biased.
After all, Android is the best and so is iPhone.
But, what if you can't make up your mind?
All the details, spec's, opinions, pro and cons, the flaws of each, along prices,
upgrade fees and service plan details, make a choice in phones and
the operating system associated with the phone, more complicated than it has to be.
So where's the middle ground?
Is there a middle ground?
Personally, I think if you are looking for that middle ground, consider Windows Phone 7.5 Mango operating system, running on a phone like the HTC Radar.- Suprisingly, it is a very viable choice.

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