Monday, November 05, 2012

Digital Prism 7" LCD TV or Video / DSLR Field Monitor Review

Digital Prism 7" LCD TV or Video / DSLR Field Monitor Review
So I was looking for a digital field monitor to use when I'm making a video.
I like being able to see what my hands are doing in the larger screen.
Plus it helps me frame the video better.
Field or DSLR Monitors are expensive. Some going up to $400.00.
They are some who have found inexpensive alternatives to buying an actual
field monitor. So taking their lead, I picked up a 7 inch LCD TV.
It's a TV that has RCA inputs.
It's also under 60 bucks. Plus it's a TV.
So I can now attach my camera to it and use a 7 inch screen over
the smaller 3 inch camera screen.
I can now see what I'm doing.
You could just buy just an LCD screen with no on board battery and make it work for your camera. Just provide the power and connect the RCA inputs and your done.
They're about $35.00 on YouTube. Not a bad price.
For a few extra dollars this Digital Prism has a rechargeable
battery and it's a small LCD TV.
I opted for spending slightly more and got the TV.
The 7 inch screen is a bit large for a camera rig, but it'll serve it's purpose in
my garage, laboratory, man cave.
I am going to buy a generic LCD monitor and make it fit my camera rig.
I'll make a video about it.

These guys have some good information of these cheap monitors.
Check out YouTube Users:
dslr filmnoob's video-

Here's a portable LCD TV for you to compare:

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