Saturday, December 16, 2006

Time for a Change

With the New Year right around the corner, I have made a decision. I decided to see if it's possible to live a more clutter free life.

So what I decided to do is to get down to the bare essentials. I live in a one bedroom apartment, 5 5 0 square feet. The problem is, I have a 1000 square foot life.

I think that reducing clutter will help reduce the clutter in my life. To help clear the brain, make things easier, less stressful.

So I think, beginning January 1, I'm going to set out on the task of reducing clutter. There are certain things that I do not use or have not used over the past year.

So going to take a look at the items that I use frequently and in frequently, is the beginning step deleting a clutter free life.

My goal is to become more organized, less cluttered, less stressed and more efficient.

Along with that goal is the goal to complete the previous goal on the cheap.

For, I am a cheap geek and it's time to reorganize my life without breaking the bank.

Actually, I'm starting a little early, instead of waiting until the first of the year, I am going to start early, meaning today.

Since I procrastinate, starting this project early may help to get the in the mindset of not procrastinating.

I think my first task should be tackling my desk, to allow for a more clean work flow.

Since I am a cheap geek, being able to revitalize my desk is important.

I know removing the items all my desk and keeping the items that I use continuously throughout the year will be a nice start.

I also intend to remove unnecessary shelving and storage space that leads to holding paper's and other items with no real purpose.

If I structurally modify my desk by removing items I don't need (to re purpose my work flow) will allow me to become more efficient and productive.
The problem I have is that everything is important.

I have to decide what to keep and what to remove.

As we all know, less clutter equals less stress.

I intend on submitting, before and after pictures on my desk project and every other project.

I want to document by progress.

Hopefully, this change will allow me to read purpose and reorganize my life. We will see.

Here's a couple of before pix's.

Enjoy the clutter, it'll be gone soon.

Nice- Actually this picture is a little old. I made slight modifications to the desk and removed some of the shelves. Here's a recent picture- my Daughter is in the Hot Seat.

I did find a desk that would be very nice to have. Its cabinets and desktop would provide lots of hidy holes, good places to hide your shit- stuff. Craigslist, is where I found the picture. One day, when I have some space, I'll have something like it.

I've nearly finished my desk re-organization. Jan 1, I'll have some pictures.

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