Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Motorola Cliq XT, almost a review.

t would:-) be accuracy better. Right no w I hate it.

See that stuff up there  ^^.
That was a post to my blog, made with the Motorola Cliq XT.
Which looks like this. (Link to  Motorola's Website for my details and Specs.)
Google's giving me a server error.. no picture yet. Updated- here's a picture-

It has MotoBlur. Motoblur syncs all your social networking stuff and puts on your home screen.
After you set it up and log in to your accounts they will be shown on your homescreen(s) 5 in total.
When you post, it'll post to all your social stuff. Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, Picasa, what ever....
Pretty neat concept.
Makes for a convoluted home screen or Desktop if you will.
You can vary the amount of shit you show. If you have NSFW feeds or things like that, be careful.
It'll be on the home screen. Like I said you can control the feeds and the amount of things you want to show.
I thought I would enjoy all those data streams neatly jumbled together in nice (smallish) touch screen, with an ever changing amount of stuff updating all the time. The phones LED notification is on all the time. Blinking.....
I think, I'm leaning towards a minimalist approach. I like a cleaner home screen.
Anyway, back to my point. (I am going somewhere with this)
The Motorola's are coming with a SWYPE text feature. You take a finger and swipe over the letters and the phone figures out what word you're trying input. This is a very nifty idea.
If you're not left handed, or have man fingers, don't really know where all the letters are, or trying to spell supernaturalism or something stupid like that- you'll like it.
It's a painfully aggravating process. I can see that after some practice, you'll be able to text faster than my G1's physical keyboard. As for now, I hate it.
I tried to post to my blog from  the phone.
The results at the top of this post is what you see. It's Crap.... 3/4 of my post is gone and it took about 10 mins to SWYPE it to the Internets.
Since everything is Motoblurred- it'll post that 3/4 missing crap post to everything. It did too....
Motoblurred definition.  (verb) - All my data is being constantly pumped to my phone and I lost track of what's coming from where! It's useless shitformation, trying to fry my imagination.
It's a Blur, a Motoblur! -snort-
I'll try to review this phone and be more objective about it later.
It's my daughter's anyway and I'm being grumpy and old right now.
If you're a teenager, you will sh*t your pants over this phone.
Runs Android, all the Social crap is there and it's pretty....
It's actually a decent phone so far, if you don't have any Android experience...
So, I am trying out the new tmobile motorola click xt. Prety snazy phone. I Am trying to use the swype text method. I cansee hpw after much practice, i

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hey Reggie, I just updated my blog.

Seedling Soldiers!

So i started my garden on Sunday.
About three days ago.
I pretty much forgot about them.
I decided to update my blog and I glanced over at the green house.
Holy Guacamole!!!
The Seedling soldiers have started to sprout! Good Lord of the Dance....!
Won't be long before they have to go in the ground...
Here's a crappy picture or two.

Or three...four crappy pictures.
I really wasn't expecting any growth yet.
3 days and that much!
Hopefully the Garden will be worth the effort.
I think it will be.
It also might feed our fat asses. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Garden Time! Seedling Soldiers.

It's that time of year....
The time when things start to thaw and stuff starts to grow.
Spring... Feel the excitement!
After all, we here in Virginia set our clocks ahead an hour.
So we can get a move on! Have more daylight to work outside.
Do some farming stuff.
This is also the time where I try to grow some vegetables.
Since the recession has made Victory Gardens popular, I am not alone.
It only takes a small investment for the materials and then a large investment of your time and you can be eating healthy organic vegetables for cheap.
The taste of your hard earned organic sweat equity is delicious. (yuk)
Last year I grew too many tomatoes and peppers.
They thrived and most everything else died. I hope this year will be better.
Things never go as well as expected, the first time around.
So this time should be better.
I start mine in a $6.00 Jiffy green house peat planter thing.
It comes with 72 peat pellets, that turn into peat planters.
It has a base and a clear plastic lid, for the green house effect. I know I could save money by buying each thing and making my own. I like it for the time it saves.
I planted everything in it at my computer desk.
Looks like this-
Very Nice...

For materials-
Here's what you need.
  1. Seeds- whatever you like to eat.
  2. Craft sticks- or Popsicle sticks. I got mine from the Dollar store. 
  3. Water, I used filtered with a drop of organic liquid fertilizer. It's made from Beets.
  4. A ball point pen or Sharpie marker.
All I had to do was add water to the green house.
Wait a day for the water to expand the peat pots. (actually overnight)
I figured what seeds I wanted to plant. 
I labelled the craft sticks.
I stuck the craft sticks in the peat pot, and then matched the seeds to labeled stick.
I used a left over stick to push the seeds in the peat and put the lid on. (2-3 seeds per peat cup)
I'll find a sunny spot by the window, and water the whole thing every 4 days.
Easy... the overall cost was 10 bucks.
The greenhouse is $6.00 from Walmarts. 
The seeds were 10 packs for a buck, mix or match.
Craft sticks were also a buck.
Here's a couple of Pictures of my soon to be Seedling soldiers..
Special Guest hand-Omi from

Jiffy Greenhouse, makes it easy to organize, plants

Labels help.

Seedling Soldiers.
In a couple of weeks, the Seedlings will be ready to be planted.
One tip- if you plant inside.
Once the seedlings start to grow, you need to have moving air passing over them.
Not so much for ventilation- the air ( I use the ceiling fan ) helps to strengthen the plant stalk and base.
Helps to make a healthier plant. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Coca-Cola,

It's been about 6 days since the Coca-Cola bottle cap hit me in the eyeball.
The swelling in my eye region is almost gone.
I can blink my eye without a bunch of stinging.
My eye is still blurry though, I can see colors and shapes, but no real detail..
I's almost like looking through a drop glue.
Sounds goofy, but thats about the best way I can describe it.
I went looking through my eye pictures and I found one that shows the scratch on my cornea.
This is 3 days after it happened.
It's hard to see from this picture, the scratch runs across the cornea.
It's like a split. Sucks too...
Really screws up my depth perception.
The green arrow really stings. Ha!

Here's without the arrow.
It's still faintly there.
I'm hoping it improves.
I think since as you get older it takes longer to
Still sucks.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Dear Coca-Cola, I enjoy your retro 8oz. classic bottles. I don't enjoy the 6.5 cm laceration on my cornea..

Dear Coca-Cola,
Today was a retirement celebration for my Supervisor Troy.
As today was a special day, there was a potluck. People brought many dishes and there was cake. Cake is always good. Anyway, we had drinks and the coolest drink was the vintage glass bottle style 8 oz. Coke.
The day was turning out pretty good.. My friend asked me to open her bottle.
Imagine my surprise when I opened the Coke and the bottle made a very loud pop. Champagne bottle loud POP! The bottle cap hit me in the eyeball, not my eyebrow, my eyeball..... I seen a large bluish gray flash, blinding pain and stinging...
The Pop as so loud people around me were looking for the source of the noise.
The strangest thing is, the Coke stayed in the bottle. Not fizzing or over flowing, it spilled not one drop. I'm a child from the 70's. We had those bottles or that style at least. So I know how to operate them.
Being almost 40, I have never had a bottle pop that loud before. The Coke didn't make a mess, that's crazy!
That's very odd. So I rinsed my eye and used the ice packs from our first aid locker.
The stinging and pain didn't go away after 2 hours. So I left work early, I'd only been there for an hour and a half. So I went to the doctors. After a short wait, I was seen by the doctor.
The Doctor was a nice enough fellow. He' put some numbing drops in my eye. Fantastic, those drops are.. My eyeball was killing me. Then he put this fluorescent stuff in my eye, to illuminate the cut across my Cornea.
He showed my girlfriend. She took a picture with her iphone.
Check it out-
Somewhere in there, is a 6.5 cm scratch, in the shape of a "T." It's almost like a big paper cut, on my eyeball.  It's like having an eyelash wrapped in sand, in your eye. Yep sucks, as much as you think it would.

After the Doctor was done swabbing my eye with a q tip, and prescribed me Vicodin and some drops.
I'm also out of work till Tuesday. Which kinda sucks for the vacation time I took.
Here's some more pictures...

This is the culprit.
Delicious, dangerous to eyeballs.

Imagine this Flying at your eyeball. 
POP goes my eyeball. I get to go back on Sunday and get my eye looked at.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Junk In the Trunk3

So I've keeping an eye for all the things we need for camping in my High top bus.
As I've said before, I don't want to spend a ton of money on this endeavor.
Thrift stores and bargain hunting camping and VW bus supplies is something that we do.
I found a Satellite radio at a thrift store, for dirt cheap-I might add.
Now, I have found a satellite radio boom box.
The radio and the boombox together, have a grand total of 10 bucks.
Here's a picture or two- nah I'm just going to do one picture.

It has the antenna and all the connections.
It wasn't until I got home with it, that I realized it was for a different style radio.
BUT, it does have an auxiliary input for Ipod, satellite radio, or what ever.
All is not lost.
It should be usable....

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

_____________       ____________________      ______________
There's a Tip or Two in the CheapGeek tips area at the top.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

CheapGeek Tips

I've decided to add a place for all the good tips and ideas I come across.
It's called CheapGeek tips (original, I know)
They'll be listed at the top of the posts I do.
If I can figure out a way to make them show as updates or new posts I will.
I'm going to add them. You'll see, we'll laugh, we'll cry, it'll be great.
If you have any tips to send me- send them.
I'll post them and make sure you get the credit for them, good or bad.